Give Back To The Place You Call Home

By Ashley Alt

When is the last time you volunteered?

Giving back to your community isn’t just a nice “good deed” to check off your to-do list. It fulfills you in ways that doesn’t compare to going to church or getting your neighbor’s mail while they’re on vacation.

Taking time out of our busy lives to stop and remember what’s important gives us a clearer perspective on why we were put on this Earth in the first place – to be a support system for one another.

Here are two things you can do this weekend, right here in town, that will feed your (and thousands of others) souls.

Nathan's Walk And Roll August 18, 2018

Nathan’s Walk And Roll
August 18, 2018

Nathan’s Hope 5K Walk/Run/Roll
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is a term which describes a rare disease in which blood pressure in the lungs is higher than normal. It is more common among women, as well as those aged 75 or older, and affects one to two people in every 1 million over the United States and Europe.

Nathan’s Hope (the 20th annual) is a 5K being held 8am (registration), 9am (walk, bike, rollerblade) Saturday at the Keeneland racetrack. Registration is $15 for ages 11-15 and $20 for 16 and up, which includes a raffle ticket and t-shirt. The money raised goes straight to Nathan’s Hope clinic at UK Children’s Hospital, and also toward a scholarship fund at the UK Animal Science Department.

Get your feet, bike or skates ready to bring attention to this oftentimes fatal disease. Registration happens on site.

Golf Fore the Hungry - Dinner & Golf Scramble; August 19-20, 2018

Golf Fore the Hungry – Dinner & Golf Scramble; August 19-20, 2018

Golf Fore The Hungry
Another annual charity event happening this weekend is Golf Fore The Hungry, a two-day event featuring dinner and a golf scramble, put on in partnership with God’s Pantry Food Bank and Kentucky Bank.

The 15th annual event kicks off Sunday evening at Manchester Music Hall, where live and silent auctions will take place under the leadership of Kentucky Sports Radio host Matt Jones, while participants enjoy dinner and good company.

Monday is when the actual golf scramble takes place, at the gorgeous University Club of Kentucky.
Here is a rundown of Monday’s festivities: 11:30am registration, followed by lunch, followed by a 1pm shotgun start. This includes a 50/50 Ball Drop Special Hole Contest, refreshments, swag bags and awards.

Sign up to play on a highly sought-after course and raise money and awareness in the fight against hunger.

FYI: Golf Fore the Hungry, since its inception in 2004, has raised over half a million dollars toward the Food Bank’s work in getting nutritious meals to families in 50 counties within Central and Eastern Kentucky.

Get out there and give a little to these life-threatening causes. Have a good weekend, everyone.

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